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Strong frontal lobe improves concentration Concentration is a complex cognitive process involving various parts of the brain, mainly the frontal lobe, which is responsible for focus and attention. It is also related to short-term (working memory) and our long-term memory. How you use your brain determines your concentration. 1. Medical aspects of concentration From a medical or neurological point of view, concentration is a function of b.. 2023. 5. 16.
Unbelievable washing method You often have to wash your clothes, underwear, coats, and household items. Sometimes, we sort out how to do laundry that you might have heard about at least once how to do it. From now on, I will reveal an unbelievable washing method that on one knows. 1. If you don't like washed-out jeans, soak them in salt water Jeans are characterized by a little loss of water every time they are washed. Som.. 2023. 5. 15.
How to get out of night enuresis 1. What is night enuresis? 1) the medical definition of night enuresis Night enuresis means peeing because there is an abnormality in urination control even after the age when the bladder should be controlled. In infancy, the bladder function is incomplete, so it automatically urinates simply by reflection. 2) Urine function with growth When the bladder volume increases and the regulation of uri.. 2023. 5. 14.
How to get rid of the cold sweat 1. Medical definition of cold sweat Cold sweat is a medical condition characterized by sweating accompanied by a cold or damp feeling on the skin. Also known as sweating, it can be symptoms of various medical conditions such as shock, anxiety, pain, hypoglycemia, heart attack, etc. In general, cold sweat activates sweat glands in response to stress, fear, or pain, causing vascular contraction Sy.. 2023. 5. 13.
When you spill nosebleeds frequently 1. Medical definition of nosebleed 1) medical definition: A nosebleed, medically known as nonbleeding, is caused by a ruptured blood vessel inside the nasal cavity, causing blood to flow from one or both nostrils It's flowing. The blood vessels in the inner wall of the nasal cavity are small and delicate, making it easy to be injured or stimulated. Nosebleeds can occur spontaneously or as a resu.. 2023. 5. 12.
Super organizer's innovative summary How can I organize it well? Here's a new way to organize your mind. 1. Organize a new drawer (or cabinet) 1) Start by emptying the drawer completely You can take everything out of the drawer to evaluate the amount of space and decide how best to organize it. 2) Categorize and categorize all clothes Sort by type, such as underwear, shirt, pants, and socks. Categorize clothing so that similar item.. 2023. 5. 11.
Common sense for solo men, solo women The economy is unbelievably bad in 2023. There are a lot of people who live alone. Living alone can be poisonous. You get synovial disease or you're self-distancing from human relationships. Let's look around the house and create wisdom that can be used again economically rather than just throwing it away. 1. The green tea residue in the iron pot is a special effect Iron pots are prone to red ru.. 2023. 5. 9.
Wisdom for Lazism There are times when your body and mind are tired. However, housework is piled up a lot. I'm not a Lazy People, but I hate everything. Try this at times like this. 1. Why do we fall into Lazism? People experience laziness when they feel physically and mentally exhausted. There are a number of reasons why you feel that you have no motivation to do a particular task. 1) Lack of energy: Not getting.. 2023. 5. 9.
The wisdom of living in the kitchen If you know it in the kitchen, you organize the wisdom of comfortable living. 1. The standard of sharpening a knife while pushing it When you sharpen a knife on both sides, you have to sharpen the front and back blades the same number of times. The angle of the knife and the whetstone should be sharpened as small as possible, and the force should be exerted only when pushing the knife is pushed... 2023. 5. 7.