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Stop catching a cold, the folk remedy You've probably caught a cold at least once. In some cases, it does not heal easily after a month. Let me introduce folk remedies from around the world to treat colds. 1. What is a cold? A cold is a viral infection that can be caused by more than 200 different viruses. It's annoying, but this symptom disappears in a few days and recovers within a week. Colds can only be caught if they come into .. 2023. 5. 25.
Let's beware of 群盲撫象(the blind men & the elephant) in the halo effect 1. The halo effect 1) Meaning of the halo effect Halo effect refers to a phenomenon in which an overall evaluation of a person, object, phenomenon, etc. affects the evaluation of a specific part. The term was initially used in psychology to describe people's perception bias, but is now widely used in several fields, including marketing, brand management, and personnel management. For example, th.. 2023. 5. 24.
The separation between good jjamppong and sodium Koreans like jjamppong. However, jjamppong has a lot of calories and sodium hidden. There is a saying that if you can't avoid it, enjoy it. Minimize calories and sodium by making good jjamppong. 1. Etymology of Jjamppong It is a type of Korean-style Chinese food made by adding noodles to a spicy broth made by stir-frying vegetables, seafood, and meat. There are many theories about the etymology .. 2023. 5. 23.
How to store fashionable clothes When June begins, the rainy season begins in S. Korea. During the rainy season when it rains a lot, there is a lot of moisture, which causes a lot of inconvenience throughout the house. Let me introduce how to store clothes that make use of various fashion. 1. Take care of your blankets so that they're fluffy When you wake up in the morning, it's better to spread the blanket out without folding .. 2023. 5. 21.
Compliments, remember just one word. Good job! It's a blog that creates "a prosperous life" with you. A lot of compliments make everything better. It cleans your mind. If you praise and consider with a mind of putting yourself in someone else's shoes, happiness will come as your view of life changes positively. 1. Reasons for Compliments 1) Compliments are a means of enhancing my dignity. People evaluate people through their appearance and c.. 2023. 5. 21.
Too big to fail, TBTF 1. Definition of lawToo big to fail (TBTF) is an economic term that means that if a large company or financial institution goes bankrupt, many of its stakeholders will suffer and the economy will be catastrophic, so the government must bail it out.2. OriginThis economic logic was first popularized in 1984 when the Continental Illinois Bank went bankrupt, causing the worst bank bankruptcy in U.S... 2023. 5. 19.
Eggs that resemble Popeye Do you know how much eggs are consumed? It's beyond my imagination. Let's have a healthy body that resembles Popeye with eggs, not spinach. Learn more about eggs.1. Etymology of Eggs1) EtymologyAn egg (cultural word: chicken eggs) or eggs are chicken eggs. In addition, eggs are made up of single cells consisting of one cell per individual, and are widely used as ingredients for cooking such as s.. 2023. 5. 19.
Man, wear your underwear beautifully! It's invisible clothes, underwear. Just as some men care about underwear, some men don't care at all. Rather than just wearing it because you can't see it, I suggest you try on your underwear beautifully depending on your environment. 1. History of underwear 1) Underwear in Western History ① Ancient Egypt: In Rome and Greece, citizens generally wore tunics and some men used waist cloth inside th.. 2023. 5. 18.
Surviving by Dodo's law Do you know the law of the Dodo? It's an extinct bird that doesn't exist on Earth now. Dodo birds can be found in our daily lives. 1. What is Dodo's law? 1) Definition Dodo's law means that those who want to live comfortably without change or challenge in a given environment and those who neglect self-development will be eliminated. The dodo bird was a bird that lived in Mauritius, an island in .. 2023. 5. 17.