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Master of Life_Wise Storage (Part 2)

by jalhanda 2023. 4. 26.

1. Vegetables are more than twice as fresh if you wrap them in newspaper

Soak vegetables in water and roll them in newspaper to store them. If you're concerned about the ink from the newspaper seeping into your vegetables, roughly wrap them in paper towels, then roll them in damp newspaper before storing. If you wrap it with dry newspaper and store it in the refrigerator, you can keep it fresh more than twice as long as if you refrigerated it without doing anything.

2. How to increase freshness 100 times with cabbage and paper towels

Cabbage looks like the leaves will go bad first, but in fact, it starts to rot from the hard core. Therefore, if you want to keep it for a long time, you must first cut out the core with a knife. And if you put a damp cotton ball or paper towel over the digging, it will last considerably longer. Once you've done this, simply roll it up in wet or dry newspaper and put it in the fridge. In addition, it is easy to peel and remove the leaves from dug up cabbage, which kills two birds with one stone.

3. Mayonnaise, it is better to leave it at room temperature than in the refrigerator

Mayonnaise is a food product made by emulsifying egg yolks with salt, spices, and vegetable oil. However, mayonnaise is easily spoiled if the emulsified state is not maintained. In other words, since raw materials rot when separated from each other, the emulsified state of mayonnaise is safest between 10 and 30 degrees Celsius, which is almost similar to room temperature. At higher or lower temperatures, the raw materials are easily separated, so they can spoil quickly. Therefore, storing mayonnaise in the refrigerator is not an incredibly innovative idea. Commercially available mayonnaise in a polyethylene tube will not go bad for one year if stored in a dark place with a temperature of about 10℃. However, after opening, keep in the refrigerator and eat as soon as possible.

4. Keep the refrigerator compartment full and the freezer compartment full

If the middle of the refrigerating chamber is blocked with a large box or tray, the flow of cold air becomes poor, reducing refrigerating efficiency. In addition, the efficiency of the refrigerator is reduced if it is overfilled with food. However, on the contrary, the freezer must be full of food to increase the cooling effect. This is because the food inside cools each other.

5. If you open the refrigerator door for 10 seconds, the temperature rises by 5℃

Of course, it will depend on the room temperature or the performance and capacity of the refrigerator, but if you open the door for 10 seconds in midsummer, the refrigerator compartment temperature rises by more than 5℃. Also, it rises by more than 1~5℃ even in winter. However, if you open and close the refrigerator door too often, it is not only good for power saving but also for hygiene, so it is better to open the door only when absolutely necessary.

6. Quick freezing, do not open the refrigerator door for more than an hour

Rapid freezing is recommended to keep fresh food in the refrigerator. To do this, you need to place the food next to the coldest, coldest item in the freezer. Also, set the temperature control dial to quick freeze, and do not open or close the freezer door for at least an hour once freezing begins.

7. Wet your hands in warm water to make rice balls

When making rice balls, make sure to wet your hands with warm water instead of cold water. If you use cold water, the taste will be lost because it is easy to stick to it. If you make it with warm water, you can make rice balls that have less moisture and come together well. Also, because it contains fewer germs than cold water, it can be stored hygienically for a long time.

8. How to Keep Parsley Fresh

Insert parsley, celery, or watercress leaves into a cup filled with water, cover the entire cup with a plastic bag, and place in the refrigerator. This will keep them fresh for about 2 weeks.

9. Leftover lemons should be stored in a cup to keep them fresh

Store freshly used lemons on a plate with the cut side down and cover the cup completely. You can also put a little salt on the cut-out or drop it on a plate and cover the cut-out on top of it. If you still have uncut lemons, they will last longer if you put them inside No Suggestions.

10. Rice cake, freshly steamed and frozen

Rice cakes are freshly steamed and stored frozen while still soft. This way it won't harden and won't mold. When freezing, wrap tightly with plastic wrap to prevent air from entering. If air gets into it, it hardens and is prone to cracking. When eating, peel off the wrap and warm it up to enjoy the soft taste of freshly steamed meat.

11. To fully enjoy the tea, taste and aroma, keep it in the refrigerator

The inside of the refrigerator is drier than expected. Therefore, it is recommended to pour some of the tea into small cans or bottles and store the rest in the refrigerator. This way, you can keep the original taste and aroma. However, care must be taken so that the smell of other food in the refrigerator does not permeate the car.

12. Parsley, finely chopped and frozen

When you buy parsley, wash it, drain it well, chop it very finely, and store it in an airtight container in the freezer. You can then sprinkle it on your soup or take out a little whenever you need it, which is convenient and waste-free.

13. The point is to cut the meat into small pieces and freeze it

Buying meat every time you need it is cumbersome and uneconomical. I'd rather buy the meat in chunks, cut it into smaller pieces, and freeze it. For example, 100g of ground or minced meat and 50g of bacon are stored frozen in small chunks. It's also a definite time saver than defrosting in large chunks. When placing in the freezer, remember to write the storage start date on the surface of the wrap.
