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Let's clean the blood vessels!

by jalhanda 2023. 4. 18.

1. What is hyperlipidemia?

Blood vessels need to be clean to live longer.

1) What is hyperlipidemia?

Hyperlipidemia is a condition in which cholesterol or triglycerides in the blood are higher than normal levels. Hyperlipidemia is dangerous because cholesterol or triglycerides first make blood sticky and interfere with blood circulation, and secondly, they are rigidly attached to the walls of blood vessels like concrete, causing arteriosclerosis, and develop into heart disease and high blood pressure. This eventually leads to paralysis. Diabetes, liver disease, and kidney disease are more likely to develop hyperlipidemia. Hyperlipidemia is usually asymptomatic and can last for a long time. Hyperlipidemia is a metabolic disease that can cause arteriosclerosis and cardiovascular disease due to excessive increase in lipids such as cholesterol. Hyperlipidemia is usually asymptomatic and can be confirmed by blood tests.

2) Cause of hyperlipidemia

(1) A genetic cause

Hyperlipidemia can be caused by genetic factors. If you have hyperlipidemia in your family, that person is more likely to develop hyperlipidemia.

(2) One's lifestyle

Hyperlipidemia can be caused by unhealthy lifestyle habits. Excessive alcohol consumption, stress, binge eating, and smoking are examples.

(3) A western diet

Western eating habits, overeating, late-night snacks, and lack of exercise are the main causes, but in fact, sugar problems are also serious. Modern people like sweet things too much. However, the fact that sweetness gives pleasure, but if excessive, it causes various diseases, seems to be overlooked. Just as sugar water is sticky, eating a lot of sugar causes blood to become sticky, causing blood circulation to become stagnant and causing fever. This is called wet heat because it is humid. Eating a lot of sweets and accumulating triglycerides in the liver and abdomen is a accumulation of wet heat. This wet fever causes edema and obesity and causes various diseases caused by heat. Enjoying the sweetness of instant food and fast food is a big problem. This is because the liver gets worse even if you don't drink alcohol, and even if you don't eat meat, you get arteriosclerosis.

3) Symptoms of hyperlipidemia

◆ Cerebrovascular symptoms such as fatigue, sleepiness, dizziness, and headache

◆ Cardiovascular symptoms such as chest discomfort and pain

◆ macular symptoms near the eyes

◆ Hurricanes on hands and feet

◆ Pancreatitis symptoms such as abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea

4) Improving Hyperlipidemia

In order to manage hyperlipidemia, it may be necessary to improve lifestyle habits such as proper eating habits, regular exercise, and weight loss. Also, you may need to get proper medication as prescribed by your doctor.

2. Arteriosclerosis

1) What is arteriosclerosis?

Arteriosclerosis is a disease in which fat, cholesterol, sugars, and fibers accumulate on the walls of blood vessels, and the inside of arteries hardens and narrows. As a result, the supply of oxygen and nutrients is not smooth, which can interfere with important organs such as the heart, brain, and kidneys. Arteriosclerosis is associated with hyperlipidemia. So, hyperlipidemia is one of the main causes of arteriosclerosis. When waste accumulates in blood vessels, the blood vessels narrow and the walls of arterial vessels harden and narrow, leading to arteriosclerosis. Therefore, by preventing and treating hyperlipidemia, the occurrence of arteriosclerosis or worsening of symptoms can be prevented.

2) Cause of arteriosclerosis

(1) Hyperlipidemia

Hyperlipidemia causes cholesterol levels in the blood to rise above a certain level Indicates the status. Hyperlipidemia can lead to arteriosclerosis as cholesterol builds up on the walls of blood vessels.

(2) Diabetes mellitus

Diabetes refers to a condition in which blood sugar levels rise above a certain level. Diabetes increases blood sugar, damaging the inner walls of blood vessels and increasing the likelihood of arteriosclerosis.

(3) Smoking

Tobacco smoke contains harmful substances, which can damage the inner walls of blood vessels and cause arteriosclerosis.

3) Symptoms of arteriosclerosis

Arteriosclerosis is usually asymptomatic and can last for a long time.

(1) Chest pain

Symptoms such as feeling stuffy or heavy in the chest, chest compression, and chest pain appear.

(2) Shortness of breath

Symptoms such as shortness of breath and difficulty breathing appear.

(3) A cold sweat

It's a symptom of sudden sweating and cold sweating.

(4) Dizziness

Symptoms such as dizziness and confusion in the head appear.

(5) A feeling of uneasiness

I suddenly feel anxious, and I feel anxious.

3. Let's change our diet.

1) Why You Need to Change Your Diet

The treatment of hyperlipidemia and arteriosclerosis is important what food you eat. Among foods, meat, flour, sweets, and fried foods reduce your intake. And you should refrain from instant and fast food with artificial sweeteners and condiments as much as possible. In oriental medicine, hyperlipidemia is a disease caused by a lot of waste products such as containment and blood. Therefore, waste products occur a lot when the five intestines and six parts do not work well. Therefore, foods that communicate urine well, operate blood, and remove humidity are hyperlipidemia drugs.

2) Circulating energy in the body

Energy must circulate well in the human body. When the lower abdomen is warm, energy circulates well inside the body. However, cold and cold build-up can lead to poor circulation and cloudy blood. It can get murky. I usually have a stomachache when I eat cold food It occurs in people with diarrhea, people with cold hands and feet. Eat spicy food to cool down the cold air It needs to be removed.

3) food effective for hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis

(1) Effective food in everyday life

You should drink tea with purifying effects such as lotus leaf tea or green tea often. You should refrain from drinking coffee with sugar. Cabbage, lettuce, water parsley, modern, cucumber, cold, carrot, auk, spinach, lotus root, mushroom, black beans, buckwheat, red beans, bean sprouts, bean sprouts, apple, Darae, kiwi

(2) Food that helps blood circulation by removing cold air

Garlic, ginger, pepper, mustard, green onion

4. Ingredients that clean blood vessels

1) Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are rich in vitamins C, E, and beta-carotene to help blood circulation.

2) Avocado

Avocados are rich in single unsaturated fatty acids, which help blood circulation.

3) Broccoli

Broccoli is rich in lutein and Zeisian, which makes blood vessels strong.

4) Green tea

Green tea is rich in catechin, which helps blood circulation.

5) Chicken breast

Chicken breasts are rich in protein, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12, which help blood circulation.

6) Salmon

Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which lowers blood pressure and helps blood circulation.

7) Garlic

It contains active ingredients that help lower blood pressure and promote blood circulation.

8) Ginger

It helps promote blood circulation and lower blood pressure.

9) An angel of honor

The angelica contains an active ingredient that promotes blood circulation.

10) Pumpkin

Pumpkins contain vitamins C and E, potassium, and magnesium, which help blood circulation.

11) Chicken

Chicken is rich in iron and protein, which helps blood circulation.

12) Almonds

Almonds are rich in vitamin E and protein that keep your blood vessels strong.

13) Sprout vegetables

Sprout vegetables are rich in vitamin C, vitamin K, and potassium, which promote blood circulation.

5. Make healthy blood vessels with 10,000 won

Foods that improve blood vessel health include the following.

1) Chicken soup with green onions and ginger

You can make one chicken, green onion, ginger, garlic, red pepper powder, soy sauce, sesame oil, sesame seeds, etc.

2) Tofu soup with tofu, spinach, tomatoes

You can make it with tofu, spinach, tomatoes, garlic, onions, milk, butter, salt, pepper, etc.

3) Seafood soup with fish, squid, mussels

You can make it with seafood, green onions, garlic, ginger, red pepper powder, anchovies for soup, Cheong yang peppers, etc.

4) Radish soup with spinach, broccoli, water parsley

You can make it with radish, spinach, water parsley, broccoli, green onion, garlic, soy sauce, salt, pepper, etc.

5) Bean sprout soup made with bean sprouts, spinach, green onions

You can make it with bean sprouts, spinach, green onions, garlic, soy sauce, salt, etc.

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