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High blood pressure that damages blood vessels

by jalhanda 2023. 4. 13.

1. What is high blood pressure?

Hypertension is a condition in which blood pressure is higher than normal.

Blood pressure is the highest blood pressure that occurs during contraction.

and when the heart relaxes.

It is divided by the lowest blood pressure that occurs,

and the highest blood pressure of these two values is Hypertension is defined.

as a diastolic blood pressure of 140 mmHg or higher and a diastolic blood pressure

of 90 mmHg or higher.

High blood pressure causes damage to various organs such as the heart,

brain, and kidneys. It can cause various diseases such as stroke.

and kidney failure. High blood pressure is mostly asymptomatic in daily life,

so whether you are high blood pressure or not There are many cases

where you may not know. Therefore, regular blood pressure checks Required.

However, if high blood pressure is detected and prescribed,

it can be prevented and managed with medication and lifestyle changes.

2. Symptoms of high blood pressure

Various adult diseases affect each other.

(1) Complications due to hypertension

For example, heart disease and hardening of the arteries cause high blood pressure,

and high blood pressure It is an expression that makes blood clots.

and worsens heart disease and hardening of the arteries.

This can eventually lead to stroke. Symptoms of high blood pressure Stiff neck,

headache, dizziness, memory loss, insomnia, It is accompanied.

by difficulty concentrating, chest tightness and palpitations.

If you have these symptoms often, you should suspect high blood pressure.

One of the stories that Western medicine tells hypertensive patients is

It means that you must be careful of 'salt'. number of valid claims However,

the fundamental problem is different.

All meats have salt in them, so if you don't cut down on them this is

because it is difficult to reduce salt intake. Lean meat rich in protein

the perception that it is okay to eat is leading to excessive meat and salt intake.

Therefore, a low-calorie, low-fat, low-cholesterol, low-salt diet to prevent

high blood pressure is recommended. The basics are to start by reducing meat.


(2) Hypertension caused by stress

On the other hand, most adult diseases are diseases caused by anger.

In other words, mental stress is a major cause of adult diseases.

If you are under a lot of stress and get angry, regardless of whether

you are overweight or not Hypertension, heart disease,

and arteriosclerosis become more severe. In particular,

it should be borne in mind that most adult diseases of skinny people are caused by anger.

At this time, it is important to control stress, and heat You should stay away from

spicy lifestyle and foods (especially spicy and floury).

Instead, eat a lot of various five grains, vegetables, fruits, and seaweed

that bring down anger, It is good to drink Gyeolmyeongja Tea, Chrysanthemum Tea,

and Plum Tea frequently to cool down the fever.

3. How to raise a child without the risk of adult diseases

Hypertension and diabetes are hereditary.

Medically, it is stated that high blood pressure and diabetes are hereditary.

Therefore, it is known that family history is important.

But whether it is hereditary Previously, a family had similar eating habits

and eating habits from a young age. Therefore, it should be recognized

that the constitution is also similar.

From a young age, people love the savory taste of flour, instant food,

fast food, and meat. Even when poisoned children become adults,

they cannot forget the taste and continue to If it is established as a dietary habit,

as you grow up, your constitution will become susceptible to high blood pressure and diabetes.

It changes to a constitution that is easily exposed. Parents are responsible for the health of their children.

If parents have good eating habits Your child's eating habits can also change correctly.

If parents don't change, they can't protect their children's health.

4. Foods that are good for high blood pressure

(1) If you are overweight

Adlay, mushrooms, corn beard, celery, water parsley, mallow, mulberry branch tea,

mulberry, leaf tea, tomato, plum

(2) If you enjoy a lot of meat

Green Tea, Darae, Tomato, Lettuce

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