English Version

To be blessed in a relationship

jalhanda 2023. 6. 8. 00:30

It's a blog that creates "a prosperous life" with you.

The blessing does not wait. I have to be ready to be blessed.

So what do you do to be successfully blessed in a relationship?

1. What is blessings in the philosophical sense?

1) The philosophical definition of Blessing can be interpreted differently in many ways.

But in general, blessing means a positive state or outcome that accompanies an individual or a group. This can be health, happiness, wealth, success, love, etc., and they represent important values in an individual's life.

2) Blessedness can often be seen philosophically as the ultimate goal of life.

In other words, humans seek blessings, and it is an important factor that makes an individual's life meaningful and valuable. In this sense, blessings are something that allows a person to enjoy life, achieve goals, and find the value of existence.

3) Also, blessings are often thought to arise from relationships with other people.

This reflects the interdependent states that are formed by people interacting and expressing support and interest in each other. Therefore, it can be said that blessings have social and relational aspects, not just individuals.

4) However, these philosophical definitions can vary greatly depending on culture, religion, and personal values.

Each individual or group has its own understanding and definition of blessings, which becomes the principle that governs their lives.

2. What is good fortune in human relationships?

1) Maintain a good relationship: Relaxation means psychological stability. A smooth relationship with a family member means great luck. This means understanding, respect, and good communication with each other.

2) Meaningful friendships: Having a trusted and dependable friend is a great help to social life. You can meet new and better friends through personally great friends. When these good things are repeated, everything goes well and luck just comes in.

3) Relationships with loved ones: It is a blessing to be in love and share life based on love between the opposite sex. Understanding, respect, consideration, and affection for the other person, and creating another blessing of mental and physical happiness.

4) Successful Collaboration: Meeting a partner who can reasonably trust and work together in a business or project without any connection in human relationships is a realistic blessing that can bring economic prosperity. This can lead to stronger ties, with mutual respect, effective communication, and support for each other.

5) Relationship with Mentor: It's philosophy that controls the body, the mind. When I wander without making a decision, I can wisely overcome any hardships and difficulties if I can get advice that goes beyond my thoughts. So we need a mentor. It is a great blessing to respect a person who has a sense of the philosophy of life and to get knowledge, experience, and advice from him. Mentors help you grow, give you new perspectives, and give you the help you need.

3. Problems in human relationships

1) Lack of clear communication: In many relationships, problems arise from inaccurate communication or misunderstanding. If you don't express your thoughts clearly to the other person, others may misunderstand or misunderstand the intention. For example, employees may be confused if managers do not clearly describe their work expectations.

2) Expectation mismatch: It's something that I personally experienced a lot. Each person has a very different expectation of others. Unfortunately, however, if this expectation is not clearly expressed, or if the other party does not meet it, disagreements may arise. For example, if a friend has the expectation that he should always contact himself, he may be dissatisfied when he is not. This problem often occurs among family members.

3) Border Ambiguity: Clear boundaries (guidelines) are needed to lead human relationships more positively from your point of view. By accurately expressing your thoughts, if the other person misunderstands or if this boundary is ambiguous, one person can violate another's personal space or freedom. For example, if a colleague continues to invade another colleague's workspace, he or she may feel uncomfortable.

4) Lack of trust (when trust with the other person is broken): Trust is the core of all human relationships. In a relationship that lacks trust, people doubt each other and always worry about the other person's behavior. For example, if a partner lies, it can damage trust and cause tension in the relationship.

5) Lack of conflict resolution: Conflict is a natural phenomenon, but a lack of ability to effectively resolve it will inevitably adversely affect the relationship. For example, when two people experience disagreements, if they have insufficient ways to resolve the conflict, the conflict can intensify.

6) Lack of mutual respect: It is difficult to maintain a healthy relationship without respect for each other. Let me give you a few examples. If you look at the frequent marital quarrels, you can see that mutual trust is definitely falling apart. Continue the conversation without believing anything the other person says. For example, a lack of respect among team members may not feel that their opinions are valuable, which can negatively affect the efficiency and motivation of the work.

7) Negative attitude: Negative or critical attitudes hurt relationships and often cause conflict. For example, if a friend always criticizes or ignores your opinion, this can strain the relationship and increase the sediment.

8) Lack of understanding: Failure to understand each other's position or feelings increases the tension in the relationship and causes conflict. For example, if parents do not try to understand from their child's point of view, this can increase the stress of relationships.

9) Lack of honesty: Relationships that lack integrity and honesty with each other often cause problems. For example, if a business partner provides false information, it can lead to a lack of trust and eventually destroy a relationship.

10) Negative effects: People often feel stressed by negative influences such as friends and family. For example, if a friend induces a negative lifestyle or constantly criticizes you, this can negatively affect your happiness and behavior.

11) There are people who rely on superstition (or amulets) for relationships. It's something you should never do. Language and woven by superstition are rather harmful to human relationship.

4. Posture to be blessed

Meeting someone who is blessed depends on a number of factors. Here are some ways you can help meet someone who is blessed.

1) Your Value Recognition: First, it's important to understand who you are, what you're good at, and what you're worth. This creates a foundation for attracting people who are good for themselves.

2) Connecting with Positive People: Blessed people are often positive people. They have the ability to look at the environment, people, and situations positively and make the most of them. By connecting with these people, you can learn their positive energy and worldview.

3) Connecting with people seeking good luck: Luck comes to those who seize an opportunity and are ready to take advantage of it. These people are often open-minded and have no resistance to accepting new ideas and people.

4) Networking: Participating in various events and gatherings, and meeting new people is an important way to meet someone who is blessed. In these places, you can meet people from various backgrounds, which often brings new opportunities.

5) Mutual respect and consideration: If anyone treat them with a spirit of mutual respect and consideration, they will feel it and the urge to share their blessings.

5. How to deal with if you are not blessed by the other party

1) Understanding the situation: If the other person is unable to bless you, try to understand the person's situation or problem. They may be having a hard time, or there may be a limit to their ability to accept themselves. Understanding this situation can make your response more reasonable and empathetic.

2) Adjusting expectations: Sometimes we can expect too much from people. It is important to lower expectations and accept the other person as it is. This will help you understand more about the other person's behavior and reduce the stress caused by it.

3) Taking care of yourself: When the other person cannot bless you, it is important to take care of yourself. This includes not only physical health but also mental health. Manage stress and increase resilience through proper rest, exercise, nutrition, and hobbies.

4) To have a conversation: It is important to let the other person know what you feel, need, and expect. When the other person understands your feelings, there is an opportunity for them to change their behavior.

5) Set clear boundaries: In situations that are harmful to you, it is important to set healthy boundaries. This includes expressing clearly how you feel about the other person's behavior and what you expect.

6) Practicing self-love: When the other person cannot bless you, it is important to practice self-love. This means respecting yourself, recognizing your values, and being nice to yourself.

7) Get a consultation: It's good to get professional help when you're in trouble. Counselors can understand your feelings and suggest strategies to solve problems.

8) To refresh: Simple activities such as listening to music or taking a walk can change your emotional state positively. These activities help you disperse your mind and return to a comfortable and positive mood.

9) Open your mind and embrace change: Sometimes relationships with people don't develop the way we want them to. In those times, it's important to embrace change and open your mind to other possibilities. This can mean creating new relationships or exploring new activities.

10) Continue without giving up: Sometimes things can't change quickly. At times like this, it is important to be patient and keep trying. If you have confidence in yourself and continue to try to improve things, you are more likely to eventually improve things.

6. How to be blessed by the other person in a relationship

Do at least one thing. Blessings will surely come in.

1) Showing love and consideration: Be kind to people, pay attention to their feelings, and give them the help they need.

2) Admitting and praising: Recognize and praise people for their efforts and achievements. The other person remembers it over time. Of course, I don't speak with my mouth because of my personality. However, I remember clearly. This helps them deliver positive energy and boost their confidence.

3) Help others without calculating: When someone else is having a hard time, helping can be a great blessing. This could be sharing money, time, or knowledge.

4) Listen carefully: Some people only talk about themselves. You never listen to others. I'm sure you've experienced it. However, listening calmly to what people are trying to say may be the most precious gift for them.

5) Forgiveness: It's the hardest. In order to forgive others, you have to acknowledge them. However, sometimes it is really hard for people to admit their mistakes. In this case, it is important to understand and forgive them rather than blame them.

6) Cheering: To get help from the other person, you have to encourage the other person first. When the other person is trying to achieve a goal, cheering and encouraging the other person is a great help, and you always come back with luck.

7) Trust: Giving people trust is a sign of great respect for them. This motivates them to do better. However, there must be someone who is hard to trust. Don't trust such a person. Just, maintain a parallel relationship

8) Empathize: When people are having a hard time, it is important to try to understand from their point of view. If it's hard to empathize with the other person, keep your distance from them. Then, they don't harm or suffer from each other. You just have to maintain a relationship that doesn't burden each other.

9) Sharing Small Happiness: Deliver happiness to people around you with simple laughter, warm greetings, and pleasant stories.

These behaviors have a good influence on you and help you maintain good relationships with people. And these actions will bless them, and the blessings will eventually return to you.