Surviving by Dodo's law
Do you know the law of the Dodo? It's an extinct bird that doesn't exist on Earth now. Dodo birds can be found in our daily lives.
1. What is Dodo's law?
1) Definition
Dodo's law means that those who want to live comfortably without change or challenge in a given environment and those who neglect self-development will be eliminated. The dodo bird was a bird that lived in Mauritius, an island in the Indian Ocean. This was the best survival space for dodo birds because there was food everywhere and there were no natural enemies.
2) Origins
Dodo birds lived in Mauritius, the Indian Ocean, and there was no need to fly because there were no natural enemies on Mauritius Island at the time, so it was not only life-threatening, but also rich in food, making it easy to get food. Dodo birds were neither afraid of humans nor could fly, so they later settled down and became easy prey for predators and became extinct on Earth.
3) A story about a dodo bird
(1) The Story of Louis Carroll
In the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland," written by Lewis Carroll, the Dodo story is told. Dodo birds were birds that lived on Mauritius, a small island in the Indian Ocean. Mauritius has a great natural environment, food is everywhere, and there were no natural enemies. For the Dodo, Mauritius was the Garden of Eden. There was no need to fly because there was plenty of food and no natural enemies. When Portuguese sailors first visited the island, the birds reportedly did not know how to fly. I just looked at people stupidly. So the Portuguese people gave the name Dodo, meaning "stupid, stupid." Then it became extinct as people increased their steps and other animals flowed in.
(2) Toynbee's Law of the Dodo
Toynbee is a civilization that disappeared on its own due to no external challenges and holds the ancient Maya civilization. The ancient Maya has blossomed a splendid civilization around Central America since B.C. Mathematics and astronomy were developed, and those who left magnificent and colorful structures suddenly disappeared around 900 AD, and theories are as divided as the extinction of dinosaurs. Several theories have been raised, including long-term drought, global warming, forest destruction caused by slash-and-burn fires, and hurricane strikes. What is clear, however, is that they had no external enemies. When a sudden ordeal occurred while enjoying such a peaceful period, he suddenly disappeared without overcoming the ordeal. This is called the Dodo's Law.
(Note) Toynbee:
Arnold Joseph Toynbee, CH (14 April 1889 – 22 October 1975) was a British historian. Toynbee's uncle is the economist, Arnold Toynbee. To distinguish him, the middle name "J" was included in the name. He attended Winchester College and graduated from Balliol College, Oxford in 1911. After visiting Greece as a researcher at the Archaeological Academy in Athens, he worked as a researcher at his alma mater and studied and taught ancient Greek and Roman history. There is a book he wrote, Challenge and Reaction.
2. People who overcame trials
Looking back on history, there is a representative example of the application of Dodo's law.
1) Jews in great external distress
Looking at past history, the people who could not handle the ordeal, which is an external challenge, disappeared, but the people who overcame the ordeal rose stronger. The Jewish people are considered the most suffering people in the world. They went through trials wandering around the world without a country for 2,000 years. During the Roman period, it became a colony of the Romans, and many Jews died, eventually losing their country and scattered around the world. But there was nowhere to welcome them. In medieval Europe, which was dominated by Christianity, Jews were severely persecuted for being the people who killed Jesus. Six million Jews were massacred in the Nazis under Hitler.
2) Jews Survived in Endless Trials
In other words, it was able to be reborn as a strong nation because it was a nation that survived such an ordeal. Although they account for only 0.3 percent of the world's population, they have produced 30 percent of Nobel Prize winners, and about half of the world's famous and rich are Jews. It is also the Jews who are actually moving America now. Jews who were persecuted in Europe flocked to the United States after World War I and II. The United States, which had difficulty accommodating large numbers of refugees, gave them up to the Hudson River as their residence. It was a place with the worst conditions of overflowing rivers several times a year. The Jews who settled here built a wall to prevent the river from overflowing. And then I started doing financial business based on this place.
3) Jews Dominate Global Financial Markets
That's what Wall Street is now Wall Street. The United States, a financial capitalist country, the Jews who control Wall Street, then it means that it is the Jews who actually control the United States. As they wandered around the world for 2,000 years, DNA that could adapt to any environment was formed in their blood.
3. Lessons from Dodo's Law
Lessons can be learned from the extinction of dodo birds. In order to survive, you need the courage and belief to adapt quickly to the rapidly changing ecosystem by boldly breaking away from the complacent nature of trying to settle in the old comfortable surroundings.
4. Apply to yourself
1) A life that I didn't know I was becoming a Dodo
It's a story about myself writing this. In his early 40s, it took only five years to feel the word "success" I could see billions of cash piled up in my bank account in just two years. Due to my family history, I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in my early 40s and had a successful operation, and I slowly became a dodo. However, I felt nothing at all and became more obsessed with vague expectations that things would work out.
2) Wrong choices and wrong challenges
Because of the need for a change in business, he poured a lot of money into developing new items. However, without checking the market at all, it was judged by simple feeling and experience, and in five years, it accurately suffered the bitter taste of failure.
5. Apply the law to me and succeed
1) Respond quickly to change
Obviously, we need to quickly recognize how the world changes. Efforts to penetrate new markets are also needed, but it was easy to find the answer that the challenge to find a blue ocean in the field you belong to was rather a success. Now, no matter how good the technology and good items are, if you do not have marketing and business access to the market, it is the right judgment to boldly sell them to partners who can do better in technology and items.
2) A shrewd new challenge
In order not to become a Dodo bird, we are trying to sell technologies and items that are said to be good. Fortunately, listed companies with sales of 200 billion won are showing great interest and are undergoing feasibility studies for the acquisition. And now I'm coldly looking into myself, reducing everything, cringing like a frog, and thoroughly preparing to run again.