Sperm deficiency and male infertility
The sperm count reduction is severe.
1. The man is changing.
As the industry develops and various electronic products and household goods that provide convenience in daily life are developed, our bodies are changing as they fit well. Macroscopically, it can be a fatal problem for mankind, or microscopically, it can be a man's personal problem.
On an adult basis, the average number of sperm per ml of semen was 1.3 billion in the 1940s but decreased to 89 million in 1990 and 62 million in 2004. The bigger problem is that the decline is getting bigger as time goes by. A Japanese scholar also predicted that at the current rate of sperm decline, mankind will not be able to succeed and perish in 100 years. Another problem is the increase in the number of recessive sperm that are deformed or less motile. Male infertility has also soared, accounting for 40% of all infertility. The definition of oriental medicine is a much broader concept than that of Western medicine. Jung is an extract of nutrients absorbed by the human body, and the main ingredient of life activity fills the bone marrow and brain water and is stored in the kidneys to be involved in reproduction. The increase in infertility, osteoporosis, and dementia in modern times is all due to lack of affection. So why is sperm decreasing today despite improved nutrition?
2. Cause of shortage of sperm
First, Western style eating habits make sperm scarce.
If you interpret the pavilion, it is rice + pueulcheong. Rice is representative of five grains, and green is vegetables, vegetables, and fruits. In "Donguibogam," five grains with a calm taste and food with a calm taste can supplement the affection well. Sweet and fragrant foods and foods with a strong scent do not produce affection easily,' he said. Something with a strong scent is a strong yang, so it's something like sweet, spicy, and meat flour. These are not only not good at creating affection, but also stimulating sexual desire to consume them. In short, Jeong is the best supplement to vegetarian diet.
Second, the biggest cause of removing sperm is frequent sexual life.
According to overseas research papers and statistics, there are differences between individuals, but there is data that sexual life three to four times a week is good for physical activity. However, if you pursue an overly frequent sex life, sexual desire is heat, so heat accumulates in the body. And there's more sexual desire. In addition, if you watch pornography or think about sex a lot, it is easy to damage your affection even without direct sexual intercourse or self-defense.
Third, the lack of static life while overworking mentally or physically is also a problem.
The anger of desire, the anger of stress, strong delusions, and fantasies reduce affection. Also, Jeong is the raw material of the activity, so all actions that you see, hear, speak, and move use Jeong. It takes a lot of energy to play on a computer or entertainment without being alone, and focusing your mind on a small screen like a cell phone or a portable game console can be fatal. Children should be especially careful because it consumes both affection and God, that is, the mind, and their eyesight gets worse.
Fourth, even if you have consumable diseases such as diabetes, your energy weakens.
However, the truth is that diabetes does not weaken your energy, but diabetes occurs because you lack affection. If you are faithful, diabetes does not occur and there is no reason for your energy to weaken.
Fifth, not sleeping at night or sweating excessively is also a problem.
Night is the time when the pitch is met, and midnight is the time when the pitch is strongest. If you don't sleep currently, you'll be out of touch. Also, sweat is liquid, so if you enjoy excessive sauna, steam room, and lower body bath, you will lose affection and become insufficient.
3. Food that solves sperm shortage
Five grains, the seeds of plants, are the best food to supplement affection. Koreans should eat brown rice mainly, and mix millet rice in spring, barley rice in summer, millet rice in autumn, and beans in winter. Let's eat five-grain rice only when it's humid and hot during the rainy season. Black beans, rat eyes, beans, black sesame, and perilla seeds are also excellent in replenishing affection. E, Water parsley, perilla leaves, bean leaves, cabbage, taro, chives seeds, chestnuts, Schizandra, Kugija, Raspberry Wine,Mulberry and mulberry are also good, and among meat, Ogolgye and squid are good.