English Version

Master of Life_Wise Food Storage (Part 1)

jalhanda 2023. 4. 26. 14:54

1. Eggs are fresh when stored upside down

1) Store on the shelf near the door of the refrigerator

It is better to store it on a shelf near the door where the temperature inside the refrigerator is more consistent than on a shelf inside the refrigerator. This keeps the temperature stable and the eggs stay fresh longer.

2) Store in a dry and dark place

Eggs are best stored in a dark, low humidity area. This will keep the eggs from evaporating moisture from the surface and keep them fresh.

3) Store in the original egg carton

It is recommended to store eggs in their original plate. This helps protect the internal structure of the egg, such as supporting air pockets or pivot points.

4) Store end up

Eggs will stay fresh longer if they are stored with the thin, pointy end facing up. This alone significantly increases the shelf life. Because the egg is surrounded by a hard shell, it looks dead, but it is actually a round part. Because you are breathing. Therefore, if you put the round part down, that part will be compressed, making it difficult to breathe and losing its freshness. This will allow air to build up in the inner round part of the egg and keep the egg fresh.

5) Keep away from strong-smelling foods

Eggs tend to absorb strong odors, so it's a good idea to keep them away from strong-smelling foods.

2. Drying shiitake mushrooms in the sun enriches them with vitamin D.

1) Why Vitamin D Increases

This is because when mushrooms absorb ultraviolet light, a component called ergosterol is converted to vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol). Just drying in the sun kills two birds with one stone in terms of storage and nutrition. Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium, supports bone and teeth health, and plays an important role in boosting your immune system. Consuming sun-dried shiitake mushrooms can have beneficial effects on your health.

3. Store vegetables by blowing air into plastic bags

1) Leafy vegetables (lettuce, spinach, etc.)

Leafy greens need to be kept moist to stay fresh for a long time. I recommend blowing some air into a plastic bag and storing it in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator. This method retains the moisture of the vegetables, and also aerates them to help maintain freshness.

2) Root vegetables (potatoes, carrots, sweet potatoes, etc.)

Root vegetables are best stored in a dry, dark place. Do not blow air into the plastic bag, and store it in a well-ventilated place if possible.

3) Fruit vegetables (tomato, eggplant, pepper, etc.)

Fruit vegetables are best stored at room temperature, not in the refrigerator. Instead of blowing air into a plastic bag, store it in a basket or bowl.

4) Onion, Garlic

It is recommended to store onions and garlic in a well-ventilated area. Store in a dry, dark place in a thin cloth or net bag instead of a plastic bag.

5) Broccoli, cauliflower, etc.

We recommend storing these vegetables in the veggie drawer of your refrigerator. You can also store it in a plastic bag by blowing some air into it.

4. Freshen with withered vegetables, vinegar, and sugar

1) Soak in vinegar and sugar water

Soak the wilted vegetables in water with a little vinegar and two sugar cubes. Then the wilted vegetables come back to life and are fresh enough to eat. Also, if you soak the vegetables you bought in water in the same way, you can keep them fresh for a long time.

2) Soak in water

Soak wilted vegetables in cold water and let sit for about 30 minutes to 1 hour. As the vegetable absorbs the water, it may become springy again. This method works especially well for leafy greens such as spinach, lettuce, and celery.

3) Soak in ice water

If you want to revive your vegetables quickly, you can use the ice water method. Ice water gives vegetables rapid temperature changes, allowing them to quickly absorb moisture. Soak the vegetables in ice water for about 15-30 minutes.

4) Sprinkle lightly with water

Sprinkle wilted vegetables lightly with water and store in the refrigerator. As the water evaporates, it retains the moisture in the vegetables and restores their freshness.

5. How to handle leftover rice at every meal wisely

Every time I cook, I think about how much rice I should cook today. If you do a little more, you will have more, and if you do less, you will be complained about not being enough. However, if there is unavoidable rice left over, put it in a lunch box and store it in the freezer. It is convenient and tastes good to make porridge or fried rice by taking it out when needed. It can be stored frozen for about 2 weeks.

6. Insects in the rice box, garlic and Japanese pepper are special

If polished rice is stored for a long time, rice bugs develop. To prevent this, put a little dried garlic in the rice bowl so that there are no bugs at all. Sancho is also effective in repelling insects. First, dry the Sancho leaves well, then wrap them in a gauze towel to prevent the leaves from breaking and mixing, and put them in a rice container. This will keep bugs out of the rice container. Sometimes when the sun is good, it's good to dry the rice to prevent bugs.

7. The point is to freeze matsutake mushrooms without washing them

Matsutake mushrooms, which are difficult to find after the season, can be used even during the New Year if kept frozen. If matsutake mushrooms are washed and stored in the freezer, the moisture freezes and the flavor and aroma deteriorate. After lightly brushing off the dust, wrap each bunch in Korean paper and carefully wrap them with plastic wrap to prevent air from passing through. And if you put it all at once in a plastic bag and freeze it, you can keep it for 3 months. Wrap it in Korean paper and carefully wrap it with plastic wrap to prevent air from passing through.

8. Put the rice cakes in a plastic bag and remove the air before storing.

One of the reasons rice cakes develop mold is because of mold in the air. Therefore, you just need to prevent the rice cake from coming into contact with the air. After steaming the mochi, put it in a plastic bag before it cools down, and press the bag as it is to release the air. Also, if you close the bag opening and store it, mold will not form. It's good because it doesn't stick to your hands when you eat it while peeling off the plastic bag after cutting it.

9. How to enjoy the taste of freshly baked bread for a long time

If a good bakery is around the house, you're a really happy person. Not only can you enjoy freshly baked bread in the morning, but you can also try the occasional free bread tasting. There is always a way to enjoy a freshly baked taste. When bread is freshly baked, cut it into thin slices and store in the freezer. If you take it out of the freezer and bake it in the oven toaster every time you eat, you can enjoy the taste and aroma of freshly baked.

10. Old soy sauce, fresh if filtered through a coffee filter

Please mold on soy sauce is harmless to eat, so it is okay to scoop it up and use it for cooking. But if you don't feel like it, just strain the coffee through a freshly brewed coffee filter. In this way, even old soy sauce will become clear.