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Golden Time saves people

jalhanda 2023. 6. 5. 12:51

It's a blog that creates "a prosperous life" with you.

There are too many accidents in our lives. When you watch the news, new accidents appear in the article every day.

Sometimes there are heartbreaking deaths.

The golden time we remember is very important, so if we remember, we can save lives.

1. What is Golden Time?

Golden time is also called prime time.

The dictionary meaning of prime means the most important. Therefore, when used in broadcasting areas, prime time refers to the broadcasting time period where advertising costs are the highest due to the highest ratings or ratings. In each situation, it is also called drive time, golden hour, golden time, and peak time. You can easily find this golden time in your daily life.

2. Golden Time by Situation

①  A typical golden time

ⓐ When is the golden time that you like the other people? 3 seconds

ⓑ Which Golden Time do you think is a good book at a bookstore? 3 seconds

ⓒ What's the golden time to celebrate your birthday? The message is on your birthday in the morning or just before midnight

ⓓ What's the golden time for gifts? The point is when everyone doesn't expect it

ⓔ What is the golden time to express your gratitude when you receive gifts? You have to send a text message or SNS within a week

ⓕ What's the golden time for sleeping? 6 to 9 hours

② Golden time to save precious lives

As such, it is easy to find golden time that should not be missed in our daily lives. However, golden time is often used in situations that save ordinary people's lives.

ⓐ What's the golden time for fire? Five minutes.

ⓑ What is the golden time to save people with CPR? Within four minutes of the heart stopping

ⓒ What is the golden time to escape when a ship sinks? 20 minutes

ⓓ What is the golden time to escape in case of an airplane accident? 90 seconds

ⓔ What is the golden time when you have a stroke? Three hours

ⓕ What is the golden time to recover from an ankle fracture? Within 1 day immediately after injury

3. Golden Time Case

① Apartment fire accident protected by Golden Time

On August 2, 2014, a fire broke out at 00:00 SUS Apartment at around 9:51 a.m. There was a fire on the 14th floor, and smoke was going upstairs. Firefighters who were dispatched quickly put out the fire. Fortunately, there were no deaths and only one injured (one resident upstairs drank smoke and received hospital treatment). Without the prompt dispatch of firefighters, the fire could have spread directly upstairs. The site was able to prevent further damage due to the rapid fire. It was thanks to the firefighters who did not miss the golden time. As such, rapid initial response in the event of a disaster is the most important factor in reducing human and property damage.

② Heart attack

Heart attack occurs when the heart muscle does not get oxygen. In this situation, the golden time is about 90 minutes. Failure to receive proper treatment within this time can damage the heart muscle and lead to incurable diseases. • Stroke: Stroke occurs when blood vessels in the brain are blocked or burst, failing to provide enough oxygen and nutrients to the brain. In this case, the golden time is about 3-4.5 hours. Immediate emergency treatment can minimize brain damage.

③ Hemorrhagic shock

In the event of severe bleeding due to a serious accident or injury, the golden time is very short. If proper treatment is not performed, the patient can rapidly lose consciousness and die.

④ Fracture

If an injury results in a fracture, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. For severe fractures, the golden time is about 6-8 hours. If accurate diagnosis and treatment are not performed during that time, permanent damage may occur.

⑤ Allergic Response

For anaphylaxis, the most serious form of allergic reaction, the golden time is around a few minutes. This reaction will cause a stifling or shock condition and requires immediate emergency care.

4. The 5 minutes of golden time that we remember is important

① The government's introduction of golden time

The Ministry of Public Safety and Security introduced "Golden Time," a disaster response target time management, in 2014. This is because after five minutes of fire, the fire spreads rapidly and the damage increases, and the survival rate decreases for patients with cardiac arrest if proper first aid is not started within four to five minutes. The Ministry of Public Safety and Security is pushing to raise the on-site arrival rate within five minutes from only 58% in 2013 to 74% in 2017. To this end, the Ministry of Public Safety and Security is promoting the development of an emergency vehicle traffic light uninterrupted passage system, strengthening volunteer firefighting activities, opening fire trucks, and cracking down on illegal parking to secure fire routes.

② A five-minute firefighter

Golden time is really important for firefighters who are actually dispatched. It's no exaggeration to say that it's up to Golden Time to save lives or not. There have been several unfortunate incidents in which a fire broke out right in front of us and we are burning, but we cannot enter due to illegal parking vehicles. In addition, emergency patients are being dispatched due to an emergency patient, but the dispatch is often delayed due to traffic congestion. In this case, you can't do anything about it, so your mind gets busier.

③ Other people's lives are precious

Every second is like a minute for those who report it. There are many people who are angry that "Why isn't the fire truck coming" less than a minute after calling 119. I feel really sad and upset when I receive such a call to rush the dispatch. When all the firefighters are on emergency duty, I imagine flying to fire, rescue, and emergency sites with wings like Batman in the movie. I sincerely pray that we will not miss the golden time due to our indifference to our neighbors in the future.