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First aid for unexpected dental trauma

jalhanda 2023. 6. 1. 18:00

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1. What is an external wound?

In a state in which teeth and surrounding tissues are damaged due to external stimuli, when the damaged teeth are left unattended, the tissues are continuously and slowly damaged, and when the problem is revealed, it can already progress to a serious condition and make treatment complicated and difficult. Therefore, it is recommended to seek dental treatment immediately after trauma.

2. First aid

1) When teeth fall out

① ‌Find the missing tooth as quickly as possible, hold the crown, the head of the tooth, and rinse lightly for 10 seconds in cold running water without touching the root.

• Do not scrub or rinse the root because it can damage the periodontal ligament cells that help reimplant the tooth.

• If the missing tooth cannot be found, radiography is performed to check the possibility that the tooth has entered the lungs or has been swallowed. ② Push the rinsed tooth into the missing position and visit the dentist as soon as possible

• If you cannot push your teeth into the gums, soak them in refrigerated milk, physiological saline, or tap water to prevent them from drying out before going to the dentist.

• If all of these methods are impossible, insert the tooth into the mouth and use saliva to prevent the tooth from drying out.

③ If dental treatment is received within 2 hours, there is a high possibility of reviving the tooth. However, over time or when the root of the tooth dries out, it becomes difficult to restore the tooth.

④ For tooth regeneration, fixed treatment is performed for 2 to 4 weeks. •Put the missing tooth in and fix it together with the strong tooth next to it. During the fixation period, avoid hard or chewy foods and eat soft foods.


2) When the teeth are shaking

• The prognosis is better the sooner appropriate treatment is received, and if the shaking teeth are left unattended, bigger problems can occur, so treatment is essential.

• The treatment method varies depending on the degree of movement of the tooth. Fixation treatment is performed to tie the injured tooth to the healthy adjacent tooth, and 2 to 4 weeks later, the vitality is checked. If a tooth is diagnosed as dying, root canal treatment is performed.


3) When teeth are cracked or broken

• If the crack is barely visible and does not shake, take time to observe it. If you see cracks with the naked eye, or if you experience sore or painful symptoms when you hit or bite your teeth, treat them immediately to prevent further expansion of the wound. If only the outer part of the tooth (enamel) is partially cracked or slightly cracked, it can be repaired by grinding the broken part to make it soft or, if necessary, by filling it with resin. Partial restoration treatment is performed. •If the root of a tooth is cracked, it is fixed for more than 8 weeks to check for regeneration, but the success rate is not very high, so the tooth must be extracted in many cases.


4) When the color of the teeth has changed to black

When the color changes to black, it means that the blood vessels and nerves inside the tooth lose vitality and become inflamed due to the impact of trauma. If the color temporarily changes and then returns, it is evidence that the tooth has recovered to normal, but if it gradually turns black, receive root canal treatment before it gets worse. Even after treatment, there may be problems such as gradually resorbing the root of the tooth, so you need to be examined continuously for a certain period of time.


5) Pain or numbness when chewing

There is no apparent abnormality, but if you feel pain or numbness when chewing, it is recommended to have a dental X-ray examination because there is a possibility of fracture or inflammation of the alveolar bone or jawbone. Avoid hard foods and eat a soft diet until recovery.


6) Oral soft tissue trauma

If there is bleeding due to damage to the soft tissues of the oral cavity, apply pressure to stop the bleeding. If hemostasis does not work well or if there is a lot of bleeding, go to the hospital as soon as possible and get surgical treatment.

3. Prevention of dental trauma

Getting proper treatment after a dental injury is important, but preventing accidents in advance is even more important. Therefore, it is necessary to take precautions when performing activities that are likely to damage teeth.


1) Wearing protective equipment during exercise

• Wear protective gear such as helmets and chin guards: When riding kickboards, inline skates, or wheeled shoes, be sure to wear protective gear to prevent dental trauma.

• Wear a Mouth Protector: Similar to the mouthpiece boxers wear before a fight, it is made of soft plastic material to fit snugly inside each individual's mouth. It protects not only teeth but also surrounding tissues such as lips, cheeks, tongue, etc. during activities or exercises that are prone to shock to the face, and acts as a buffer to prevent the lower jaw from striking the upper jaw severely in case of severe impact, resulting in damage to the head, neck and brain. can also be prevented to some extent.

2) Prophylactic correction of front teeth

People with protruding front teeth have a higher frequency of dental trauma and can suffer much more serious damage from the same impact, so if you are a person who frequently engages in activities that are prone to impact on your face, receive orthodontic treatment in advance.