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Cultivating plants wisely

jalhanda 2023. 6. 20. 16:00

It's a blog that creates "a prosperous life" with you.
When you have pots or orchids and plants in your house, you're visually very soft-hearted.
Learn how to wisely raise your pet plants at home.

1. Growing flowers in the house for a long time

Put a ten-won coin in the vase. It is a great pleasure to receive gifts or see flowers bought from the flower shop, but there is also a regret that they lose easily. In this case, if you put two or three 10-won coins in the vase, the flowers last a long time. This is because copper ions come out little by little from the 10-won copper coins placed in the water, slowing the flowers from rotting.

2. Tips for taking care of potted plants when traveling

When you are away for a long time on a trip or business trip, you should be careful not to dry the pot. At this time, put a bucket of water next to the pot and soak an old towel. And bury one end of the towel in the soil of the pot. If you leave it like this, the pot won't dry because the water from the bucket will seep into the towel little by little due to the capillary phenomenon.

3. When to water a pot, the easiest way to know

Foliage plants rot their roots if they are over-watered. It is a wise decision to tap the pot with a gardening knife and determine when to water it. A dull sound when tapped is proof that the soil is wet. However, if you hear a clear sound, it means that the soil is dry, so it is better to water it. Therefore, when you first grow a plant, water it and tap it every day. This is because we can see that the sound changes according to the moisture of the pot. If you remember the condition of the sound from the pot like this, you can quickly know the dryness of the soil just by tapping the pot.

4. The pot drain and foam Styrofoam are effective

When growing foliage plants in pots, drainage management should be thorough. This is because the roots rot if water stays in the pot for a long time. Therefore, foamed Styrofoam is recommended as a drainage material to make water flow well. First, tear the presentation Styrofoam into the size of a thumb and put it in the bottom of the pot with soil about 5cm high. And if you cover it with soil, it will drain well and keep the roots healthy.

5. Pot that falls down easily, how to fix it

In a house with children, you should grow a lot of plants indoors. It's good for air purification, but it also brightens your mind. But it can be dangerous if the flowerpot falls down. This is because children sometimes knock down pots while playing around, but the wind or adults can accidentally touch them. In preparation for this, if you put a long nail on a flowerpot stand or a saucer and put a flowerpot on it as shown in the picture, it will not collapse for a long time.

6. How to remove aphids and water from a pot

There is a way to eradicate aphids stuck to potted plants without using pesticides. Place the pot in a bucket and carefully pour water to completely submerge it. If you leave it like this overnight, aphids rise to the surface of the water, so you can collect them and discard them away. Most plants do not die even if they are submerged overnight.

7. Let's spread beads on the glass vase

Vases commonly used in homes and offices these days are mainly made of materials such as glass, ceramics, and containers, and the design is as elegant and sophisticated as the types of flowers. Especially, among the vases with unique design, there is a vase that is unstable because it is tall. If you put beads on the bottom of these vases, you can feel safe because they are well balanced. It looks even more beautiful when you put colorful beads in a see-through glass vase.

8. Front door flower arrangement, the coolest and easiest way to make it 

There are many forms of flower arrangement, but it is generally convenient to remember two basic types when decorating flowers on the porch. One is to put 10 to 15 flowers in a vase with only the same flowers. For example, only one type of lily, carnation, etc. is simply inserted. Another way is to collect as many flowers as possible and put them in a basket It's a way to decorate it richly. The more freesias, fog flowers, chrysanthemums, marguerite, stock, etc., the better. What's important here is that you shouldn't do it halfway, no matter which way you choose. If you stick to one method, it becomes a sophisticated decoration.

9. Table atmosphere, how to save with flower arrangement 

There are quite a few people who decorate the table with flowers when they come home or when they come home. It makes me happy even when I see it with my eyes. It would be nice to buy a lot of flowers, but you can create an atmosphere with a small amount of flowers. Use a small bowl or soup plate that is not very deep. In it, cut the oasis (green sponge sold at the flower shop) into the right size to absorb enough water. You put flowers here, and the secret is to make it look the same from any direction. For example, first, plug in Nephrolepis or Phoenix so that it touches the table in the eight directions. Next, cut a carnation to a height of about 15cm and place it in the middle. And you put five or six carnations on the side and fill the gaps with mist flowers.

10. Plastic Bottle Planters

Cut off the bottom third of a large plastic bottle to create a planter. Ensure you make several small holes at the bottom for drainage. Fill the cut bottle with soil and plant your seeds or plant cuttings. You can use the upper part of the bottle as a miniature greenhouse by inverting it and placing it over the planter. This helps retain humidity and warmth, facilitating growth. (Note) Planter is a pot or container that is well-made for planting plants.

11. Carved Bowl Terrariums

Glass bowls, especially those with interesting carvings or textures, can be turned into attractive terrariums. Start with a layer of small stones for drainage, then add activated charcoal (available in pet stores) to keep the environment fresh. On top of this, add a layer of potting soil and then your chosen plants, typically small, slow-growing ones that tolerate humidity. (Note) Terrarium is a combination of the Latin words terra (land) and arium (container, room) and refers to the cultivation of plants in transparent containers with humidity.

12. Coffee Grounds as Fertilizer

Used coffee grounds are rich in nitrogen, making them excellent for plants that enjoy acidic soil, like roses, azaleas, and blueberries. Let the grounds cool, then sprinkle them on the soil, or mix them in during planting.

13. Old Picture Frame Greenhouses

Old picture frames can be turned into a mini greenhouse or a propagation station. If you have four or more of the same size, you can construct a box by attaching them together at the corners, leaving the top open for access and ventilation.

14. Cardboard Tubes for Seed Starting

Toilet paper or paper towel tubes can be cut into segments to create biodegradable seed starters. Stand the tubes upright in a tray, fill them with soil, and plant your seeds. When it's time to transplant the seedlings, you can plant the whole tube to minimize root disturbance.