Cause and Prevention of Diseases
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Plants rot their roots or dry their leaves by fungi. People get sick from external bacteria or viruses.
Find out the causes and prevention of disease.
1. What is a disease?
1) Definition
A disease is an abnormal condition or functional abnormality of a tissue or organ.
Medically defined, diseases represent abnormalities in the structure, function, and physiological state of the body, and are conditions that hinder individual health or cause symptoms.
2) Characteristics of disease
Diseases can be temporary or acute, long-term or chronic. Some diseases have clear symptoms, but others may initially be asymptomatic or mild.
2. Causes of Disease
1) By infection
Infection refers to the intrusion of organisms that are harmful to our body.
The types of organisms that are harmful to our bodies are truly diverse and the effects on our bodies are different. Organisms that can harm the human body range from bacteria (bacteria) and viruses to Rickettsia, parasites to fungi. These several types of organisms are called pathogens because they cause diseases in our bodies. In the past, many diseases were caused by infection. However, due to the development of drugs such as various antibiotics and prevention methods, the proportion of diseases caused by infection is on the decline. Nevertheless, infection still accounts for a sizable proportion of disease outbreaks, and in countries like Korea, where backwardness in the health care sector is not avoided, the proportion is higher. Our body has a defense function that weakens or destroys pathogens, preventing the damage from spreading further. However, these defense functions also depend on the number of invading pathogens, toxicity, and the human body's defense ability. We can prevent infection by using this aspect.
2) By genetic factors
① Our bodies are made up of countless cells, but all of those cells are separated from one cell.
However, it feels strange that you don't know this fact and don't usually think about it. Every cell in our body has the same genetic factor. Genetic factors are exceedingly small and long materials that record various information necessary to make our bodies.
② Each part of the body is formed through this genetic factor, which consists of several pairs. Each of these pairs is inherited separately from the parents. Each of them meets when the sperm and egg that have one rotten thing are fertilized, and a pair of them make up the genetic factors of a cell. As new cells continue to be created, this genetic factor is copied together, so each cell has the same genetic factor. Currently, there are two pieces of information about the same content, and there are many ways in which it appears in our bodies.
③ For example, winning two pieces of information may dominate the representation of that information (in this case, winning information is called dominant factor and losing is called recessive factor), and winning may listen to the opinions of the losing side, and the two may compromise at all to show an intermediate nature. However, the genetic factors that represent each property always adhere to the same law, not depending on the circumstances. In this way, our bodies are formed, each organ is created, and each organ is created by working on each organ to produce various substances.
However, all of this work is controlled by the information of genetic factors.
④ Therefore, each person not only has a different appearance, but also has a different constitution and a different personality. However, if there is an abnormality in the genetic factor, the person has a disease corresponding to the genetic factor.
3) When there's an abnormality in the immune system
① Our body has the function of detecting and removing pathogens or strange substances when they enter the body. It is lymphocytes that do this mainly. At this time, invading pathogens or foreign substances are called antigens. The way lymphocytes defeat intruders who enter the body is mainly to secrete substances that dissolve them or to eat them by large cells. At this time, if you remember the antigens that came in once and then invade again, you will have a stronger defense, and this mechanism is called immunity, and the substance that acts as an immune is called an antibody. However, in some cases, lymphocytes often overreact even though they are not very harmful substances.
② When this overreaction occurs, there are times when some symptoms disappear, but there are cases where it causes major abnormalities or even death. Some people's reaction to penicillin is a good example. In this case, a substance that acts opposite to the substances produced by lymphocytes is administered, or a substance that prevents such substances from being produced is used. In the case of death, such a reaction occurs too soon to even try.
3. Protection from disease
1) protection against infection
① It is best to fundamentally prevent the invasion of various pathogens itself, but when it does not work properly, it is necessary to reduce the number as it becomes possible. Washing your hands clean and living a hygienic life, boiling water, and so on are all precautions in this concept. There is no prevention yet to remove the toxicity of pathogens themselves. However, the effect of prevention can be achieved by increasing the defense ability to overcome the toxicity.
② Keeping your body healthy and living regularly is one of these preventive measures, and getting vaccinated is one of them. Once infected with a pathogen, it relies on medication. However, in this drug treatment, drugs have serious side effects of misuse or abuse. If used incorrectly, it will not be able to remove all the pathogens and will only give the pathogen an opportunity to know the nature of the drug and respond to it.
③ Then later, the drug will not work on the pathogen and will have to use stronger drugs with many side effects. Eventually, there will be no stronger drugs later on. As preventing the misuse and abuse of these drugs is recognized as an especially important problem in the treatment of infections, the use of antibiotics directly by the general public should be prohibited.
2) changes in living conditions
① A balanced diet: Maintain a diet rich in nutrients and fiber. Eat foods that contain fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, and protein in a balanced manner.
② Regular physical activity: Do at least 150 minutes of aerobic exercise or do intense muscle workouts per week. Exercise helps manage weight, improve cardiovascular health, and strengthen immune function.
③ Enough sleep: Get enough sleep for 7-9 hours a week. Proper sleep helps the body recover and regenerate and strengthens the immune system.
④ Stress management: Manage stress effectively and maintain balance between body and mind. It also relieves stress through meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, and hobbies.
⑤ Vaccination: You can strengthen your immunity by receiving the recommended vaccination. Vaccination plays a major role in preventing infectious diseases and spreading diseases.
⑥ Regular health check-up: regular consultation and medical check-up with a doctor to monitor weight, blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar, etc. and respond early if there is an abnormality.