A weather forecast for animals
It's a blog that create "a prosperous life" with you.
There are a lot of people who raise dogs and cats these days.
Unlike humans, animals seem to be sensitive to the environment.
Here are the weather forecasts that can be seen by the behavior of animals.
1. Animal Meteorological Administration
① There are surprisingly many old weather proverbs. In an era when there was no television or radio, predicting the weather for people was a major problem directly related to life. Old ancestors predicted the weather by looking at the movement of clouds, changes in wind direction, and behavior of animals and plants while observing even small changes in nature.
② The proverbs that remain to this day are based on the experience of countless people and are never second to the weather forecasts released by the Korea Meteorological Administration. Let's take a closer look at the animals around you to see if they're really right.
2. Animal Weather Forecast
1) A domestic animal
● Dogs: Dogs are especially sensitive to weather changes. They can show anxiety or barking behavior before rain or storms come. Their behavior changes.
● Cat: Cats are sensitive to weather changes, especially before the weather changes. For example, a cat may cover a lot of feathers, drink water often, or spend more time. This behavior may indicate that the cat may notice that the wind is blowing, or that the temperature is dropping.
● Hamsters: Hamsters may have distinct levels of activity depending on weather changes. In hot weather, hamsters can drink more water and relax more. Meanwhile, in freezing weather, you can see more movement or increased food-seeking activities.
● Squirrel: They are generally extremely sensitive to seasonal changes. When the cold season approaches, squirrels try to find and store more food. And if they try to strengthen their nest further, it could be a sign that the temperature will drop.
2) Mammals
● Cows: Cows tend to lie on the ground when a storm approaches. This could be them lying low on the ground to avoid the rain. And when flies gather, it's a sign of rain.
● Bats: Bats return to caves when the weather is bad. If they return to the cave earlier than usual, or if they spend more time in the cave, it is a sign that dangerous weather is approaching.
● Rabbit: Rabbits are usually known to dig deeper and wider burrows when snow or storms are approaching.
● Deer: Deer is sensitive to weather changes and usually hides in the forest when a storm approaches. If they are more conservative than usual, or hiding out of sight, this may indicate that they are expecting a storm.
● Seal: Seal usually climbs up to the ground from the sea and finds a safe place when a storm approaches.
● Hippos: When they sense an approaching storm, they move from the water to the ground and move to a safer place. If they are on the ground more often than usual, it can be predicted that they have detected a storm.
● Cheetahs: Cheetahs are animals that move in search of food, and their movements are greatly affected by temperature and climate change. If they are less active than usual, this can expect them to be dry and hot.
● Horse: When a rain or storm approaches, the horse tends to turn its back toward the wind. If you do this, you can think of it as one of the signs that the horse is predicting a storm ahead.
3) Birds of the tide
● Birds: Birds are animals that migrate seasonally to avoid natural disasters or unfavorable weather. This shows that they can detect changes in atmospheric pressure and predict impending storms. Seeing them leave or return earlier than usual, this is a forecast that the weather will change soon.
● Pigeon: There is a strong tendency not to fly in dangerous weather. If pigeons are spending more time on the ground than usual, it is a warning of possible storms or severe weather.
● Seagulls: When a storm approaches from the beach, they leave the coast and move to safety. When you see seagulls moving on a large scale, it can suggest an impending storm.
● Sparrow: Tend to get excited and make sounds when it rains. Note that sparrows' calls and behaviors change, which may be a warning that the weather is about to change.
● Toys: When the rainy season approaches, they start raising their babies. This behavior of the snipe helps predict seasonal changes that provide enough food for the young.
4) Amphibians
● Frogs: Frogs tend to cry loudly, especially when it rains. This cry becomes especially strong when the humidity is high, which can suggest that it will rain soon.
● Salamanders: Salamanders are more active when there is a lot of moisture, and therefore may be a sign of rain. As their activity increases, this may be a sign that they are predicting imminent rain.
● Snake: If it appears in broad daylight, the python is a large snake about 1 to 2 m long and often appears near the python. If you show up in the yard in broad daylight in summer, it is a sign of rain. It's okay to roll up the laundry.
5) Insect species of insect
● Ants: Ants can start blocking their nest entrance when it rains. When they start to tighten up their nests, this is a sign of impending rain.
● Bees: Bees are busy returning to their hives before it rains. If they don't return to the hive sooner than usual, or try to leave the hive, this is a sign that they are predicting impending rain.
● Sky cow: When the air pressure drops, the sky cow sometimes stays still without moving its wings. When they stop working, this allows them to predict weather changes.
● Rain when an ant carries luggage faster than usual: Rain when an ant carries luggage faster than usual into an ant den. On the contrary, if you take it from an ant cave, it is a sign that the weather is clear. Ants work by recognizing the changes in the weather.
● When ants come into the house, it's raining heavily: Animals don't act for no reason. If ants enter the house for no reason, it is a sign of heavy rain. The ant had a foreboding of danger and fled home.
● Strong winds when spiders make their homes bigger: Spiders are very weather-sensitive animals. If the spider's nest is reinforced in two or three layers, it is no doubt a sign that a strong wind will begin to blow. This is because spiders instinctively know that the wind is blowing and reinforce their webs.
● When red dragonflies fly high in groups, it rains the next day
6) Marine life
● Jellyfish: some jellyfish species migrate with changes in water temperature, which may help predict seasonal changes. When they start moving faster than usual, it predicts changes in temperature.